Shija HEALTH CHECK 9436807682
Shija Urban OPD9436808231
Biochemistry commonly refers as the chemical language of life, behaves as an integral part of the clinical components in the disciplines of medicine, health bio-engineering, and technology. It is the most rapidly advancing science in medicine having a wider impact on human health and disease. The department provides teaching and research facilities in the areas of Clinical Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Standardization of Pharmaceuticals, Nutritional Biochemistry, De-addiction, Biochemical and Environmental Toxicology, and Microbial Pathogenesis. The department has a well-equipped cell-culture facility. The sophisticated types of equipment in the department are HPLC, Spectrophotometer, Liquid Scintillation Counter, Refrigerated High-speed Centrifuges, and other instruments essential for biochemical investigations. The department offers consultancy for Evaluation of drug efficacy and safety, Biochemical investigations for diagnosis, anti-cancer studies, Biochemical studies, Cardiotonic drugs, Respiratory and Gastrointestinal infections, Hepatoprotective activity studies, and efficacy of Ayurvedic drugs.
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