Recruitment notice for the post of Senior Resident/ Junior Resident/ Tutor in different departments of Shija Academy of Health Sciences. *(NEW)* - 29/09/2023      |       Notice regarding fresh registration for admission to MBBS Course 2023-24 for management quota seats at SAHS. *(NEW)* - 06/09/2023      |       Fee structure for MBBS Course 2023-24 at SAHS. *(NEW)* - 24/08/2023      |       FREE ORTHOPAEDICS CONSULTATION CAMP from 28th August to 2nd September, 2023 (9AM to 2PM) *(NEW)* - 26/08/2023      |       Round-2 Counselling schedule for selection of candidates for admission to the MBBS Course 2023-24 at SAHS. *(NEW)* - 24/08/2023      |       Shija Mega Free Eye OPD Camp (7th to 31stAug) at Shija Hospitals, Langol. #9436235274 *(NEW)* - 17/08/2023      |       Round-1 Counselling schedule for selection of candidates for admission to the MBBS seats in SAHS. *(NEW)* - 01/08/2023      |       Merit list for candidates eligible for counselling for admission into MBBS course 2023-24 at Shija Academy of Health Sciences, Imphal *(NEW)* - 11/07/2023      |       Registration for MBBS at SAHS for Academic Session 2023-24 extended upto 10th July 2023 *(NEW)* - 05/07/2023      |       Important notice regarding application for the MBBS course for the academic session 2023-24 at SAHS *(NEW)* - 05/07/2023      |       Shija Souvenir - Foundation Day Chronicle  *(NEW)* - 03/07/2023      |       Application Notice for MBBS at SAHS for Academic Session 2023-24 *(NEW)* - 27/06/2023      |       FMG Internship Notice, SAHS *(NEW)* - 02/05/2023      |       Stray counselling notice for SAHS, MBBS Course 2022-23 *(NEW)* - 26/12/2022      |       Notice for the post of Tutors at Shija Academy of Health Sciences  *(NEW)* - 12/12/2022      |       Mop up counselling notice for MBBS Course 2022-23 at Shija Academy of Health Sciences, Manipur  *(NEW)* - 09/12/2022      |       Notification for fresh registration for MBBS Course 2022-23 at Shija Academy of Health Sciences, Manipur  *(NEW)* - 08/12/2022      |       Recruitment Notice for SAHS  *(NEW)* - 03/12/2022      |       Caution notice regarding admission to MBBS course at SAHS  *(NEW)* - 27/11/2022      |       Notice for newly selected candidates in the second round of counselling - SAHS MBBS(2022-23)  *(NEW)* - 12/11/2022      |       List of doctors selected for appointment as tutors for Shija Academy of Health Sciences'.  *(NEW)* - 18/06/2022      |       Shija Academy of Health Sciences' Recruitment notice.  *(NEW)* - 17/06/2022      |       Shija Academy of Health Sciences *(NEW)*      |       Customer Satisfaction Survey (New *)      |       OP PRICE LIST (New *)



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Patient Rights

Shija Hospitals has defined the following patient and family rights and responsibilities intended to:

  • Provide care appropriate to patient needs and consistent with the capacity and scope of the organization's mission and services.
  • Provide considerate, respectful care at all times and under all circumstances, with recognition of their personal dignity and autonomy.
  • Provide care that is regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or age.

Patient rights

Right to Access to Health Care Needs

Every individual has the right of access to health services without any discrimination on the basis of caste /color/creed, religion, nationality, disease (HIV / AIDS), or sexual orientation (Homosexuals / Lesbians)

Right to Choice of Care

The right to quality care and treatment is consistent with available resources and generally accepted standards.

Right to Treated with Respect and Dignity

The right to considerate and respectful care, with recognition of personal dignity and the right to express spiritual and cultural beliefs provided they do not interfere with others' privacy and hospital operations. These Psychosocial, Cultural, and Spiritual Values will be given the required consideration by the hospital.

Right to Safety from Physical abuse or neglect

The right to care and treatment in a safe and secure environment. Patients have a right to be free from mental, physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, neglect, and exploitation from physicians, staff, visitors, other patients, or family members.

Right to Privacy and Confidentiality:

The right of the patient to confidentiality will be honored, within the limits of the law. This includes:

  • Patient’s location, identity, and medical record and apply to the sharing of information within the hospital with outside sources.
  • The right to expect all communications and records pertaining to his/her health care to be treated as confidential.
  • His/her written permission shall be obtained before his/her medical records can be made available to anyone not directly concerned with his/her care.

Right to refuse any Medication, Investigation, or treatment and to be informed of the Likely consequences of doing so

Patients may refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law. When refusal of treatment by a patient or patient’s legal representative prevents the provision of appropriate care in accordance with professional standards, our relationship with Patients may be terminated upon reasonable notice. And the likely results and risks in doing so must be informed to the patient in a proper channel.

Right to Consent

Prior Consent (expressed / informed – as applicable) will be obtained from every patient / his guardian or next of kin before examination of private parts, starting the proposed treatment or procedure surgical/nonsurgical, transfusion of blood/blood products, anesthesia. High-risk treatment such as chemotherapy or for participation in a clinical research program after full information/education of the patient in the language he/she can understand.

Right to choose whether or not to take part in Medical Research Program

The right to be advised if the facility proposes to engage in or perform research associated with their care or treatment. The patient has the right to refuse to participate in any research projects. Patient’s participation in clinical trials or in the gathering of data for research purposes is voluntary. Written informed consent must be obtained from the patient before participation.

Right to make a complaint through channels provided by the Hospital, and to have any complaint dealt with promptly and fairly

Patients and their family members have a right to register a complaint or grievance regarding services or quality of care received. If a complaint or grievance arises about any aspect of patient care at Shija Hospitals, patients are urged to let the management know so that they can resolve it promptly. This reporting will in no way negatively impact future care. We consider patient comments opportunities for us to improve care and service. They have a right to be informed about the hospital's policies and procedures for the initiation, review, and resolution of patient complaints.

To address complaints, the patient may:

  • Speak to the concerned consultant or nurse
  • Speak to the associate of the department where the concern arose

Right to Full Information about the charges involved

The estimated cost of various options before starting the treatment and during the treatment whenever the situation changes. The patient will also be provided with a copy of the case records (on demand) and an itemized bill with an explanation of all the charges.

Right of Access to Medical Information that relates to your condition and treatment

The patient has the right to access his/her records. He/she has the right to inspect and request a copy of their medical information.

Right to Care of Acceptable (Quality) Standards

The right to quality care and treatment is consistent with available resources and generally accepted standards.

Right to Healthy (Clean, Infection free, hazard-free) environment

The patient has the right to expect a reasonably healthy environment so far as the hospital practices and environment are concerned.

Right to Education about the Services, Care Providers, Medical Conditions, Diagnosis, and treatment proposed including common risks and appropriate alternatives:

All patients approaching the hospital for treatment will be provided with full and accurate information by the hospital about –

  • The facilities and services (including the specialists) available, or outsourced
  • Name / professional status of the doctor in charge / other staff involved in the care.
  • Patient’s illness, investigations required diagnosis, treatment options, and the risks/benefits/treatment, the appropriate alternatives, and changes of recovery.

Right to Education on the Medication prescribed and its normal actions and potential side – effects

The patient has the right to be educated, by the practitioners responsible for coordinating and providing care, complete and current information about the medication how and when to take and the possible side effects / and the chances of recovery

Right of Access to Treatment Facilities offered free by the Hospital

Emergency life-saving treatment will not be refused by any patient regardless of the paying capacity of the patient. Patients have the right to access to availed free services offered by Shija Hospital like Smile Train, Cataract Surgery

Right to be taught in a language understood by the patient

The patients are given full information / educated related to his / her treatments, conditions, and facilities in the language understood by them.

Right to Refusal make a Second Medical opinion

Patients have the right to request a second opinion about their diagnosis or treatment plan or to change physicians during the course of their illness.


  • Knowing and understanding your rights and responsibilities and exercising them responsibly
  • Providing accurate, complete, and relevant information to the doctor about your present health, past illnesses, any allergies, and any other relevant details
  • Enquiring about the estimated cost of treatment before starting the treatment at any stage when the course takes an unexpected turn and paying the bills in time
  • Choosing the class of patient accommodation as per your paying capacity and know the conditions of your Medical Insurance Policy and inform the hospital about it at the time of admission
  • Making decisions after full information and accepting their consequences
  • Following the advice of the doctor primarily responsible for the care
  • Respecting the rights of other patients, hospital staff, and management
  • Protecting the hospital environment and not polluting it
  • Following the hospital rules and regulations

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Patient Guide

Shija Hospitals has defined the following patient and family right  Read More >>